Great Quality Pizza With the Perfect Location: Sisters Pizza

In all pizza recipes, the most common size is between 29 to 33 cm in diameter. To roll out the dough, each pizza maker has his own technique. All the techniques are good, as long as they are manual to respect the structure of the dough. For large volumes, specific tools of the “press” type, also called “former”, are sometimes used although this is detrimental to the quality.
As you visit Sisters Pizza, you will find the best made pizza options, in full or slice now available. This is an extremely friendly restaurant that offers you the chance to have a quality time with your friends and families.
They are the storehouse of the best quality East Coast Style Pizza dishes along with the Mediterranean meals. The combinations are just mouthwatering. Added to that are the availabilities of best quality wine and beer, what more can one look for having a great time? Sisters Pizza, established in memory of Kate Green, is the perfect center of community chats and friendship. In this San Diego Pizza Place this is the best option for you.
Now back to the options for the pizzas:
Assembling the trim
Once the dough has been rolled out, the pizza maker assembles the ingredients for the filling: the base, the cheese and the rest of the ingredients.
The basics
- The tomato sauce is the base used. The tomato can be replaced by a white base, usually made from Italian crème fraîche, Ricotta or Mascarpone.
- Vegetables mashed or in a coulis, mixed or not with the white base, make it possible to create original and tasty variations.
The Mozzarella is a reference cheese. According to the recipes and also according to regional habits, the mozzarella is positioned above or below the other ingredients. In principle, two calibrated handfuls of cheese are sufficient, this equates to approximately 120 g for a 29 cm pizza, and 150 g to 160 g for 33 cm.
The other ingredients
Always keep in mind that Italian cuisine is based on the choice of simple, fresh and excellent quality ingredients: 3 to 4 well-combined ingredients are enough.
There are 2 different types:
Tomato concentrates: they result from the evaporation of the juice in order to concentrate the color and the flavor. It takes about 4.5 kg of tomatoes to obtain 1 kg of concentrate. They are mainly used by industrial pizza makers.
Purees (or passata): they have the particularity of being without skin or seeds and of being very velvety. As with concentrates, tomatoes go through a “grinding or refining” phase, of concentration in different Brix degrees, sterilization and packaging.
Find Them All at Sisters Pizza
As you will visit Sisters Pizza, expect all these options and more. As the variety of pizzas you can find Modest Mouse, Pepperoni Patty, Miss Piggy, OBecian, Livin’ on the Veg, Chickie Chickie Parm Parm, Don Ho, Rooftop BBQ along with the side dishes such as Fried Calamari, Mozarella Sticks, Fried Artichokes, Grilled Caesar, Caprese, Tomato Bisque and many more. Truly they are the best options that one can expect for having a great time.