March 29, 2025

How To Use An Online Whiteboard For Teaching


We live and work in the era of digitalization. Therefore, it is not surprising that today we use tools that will facilitate our learning but also teaching. With the advent of the coronavirus pandemicwe have somewhat changed the ways and methods of teaching. Many students follow online lessonsand teachers strive to provide the highest quality online lectures. They are assisted in this by some digital tools to facilitate online learning and teaching. One such tool is the online whiteboard. Here’s how to use this tool for teaching.

What Is This Tool About, And How To Use It?

Digital whiteboards allow teachers and students to teach and learn in almost the sameor even better way than in a physical classroom. Namely, although these boards have the role of a physical board on the networkthey have the possibility of endless use. Also, these tools very often offer large databases of created templates that can be used to create content. Among them, you will find various visual elements, diagrams, charts, etc. Although it may sound complicated, the online whiteboard is a fairly simple tool that can be used immediately without any prior training.

Why Use This Method In Teaching?

Same as in the physical classroomyou can use this tool when teaching students. The online whiteboard has some benefits that it provides you.

  • You can make your lecture interactive.
  • You have the ability to visualize concepts onscreen while teaching.
  • Your students can actively participate and collaborate during lectures.
  • You can create presentations or study programs.

How To Use This Tool To Improve Teaching?

You may not have encountered work by utilizing an online whiteboard before. Still, dont let that scare you. It is very simple to use. Therefore, regardless of possible inexperiencetake a look at a few ways in which this tool may help you conduct better quality teaching.

Teachers and students can work together

This is primarily an interactive tool that is ideal for collaboration between students and teachers. Although you will use it during the lecturingit may also stimulate students to take part in everything. For example, if you make some new documentsyour students can be added as collaborators. This tool also has the ability to share everything you do with students over the chat platform you all use for communication.

Interactive components

Such software allows you to communicate in realtime in a digital environment. Thus, communication between lecturers and students is active and simple. In this way, you create a common space where you can work togetherand correct any possible mistakes that you have noticed during work. It can also be a lot of fun if you create a test or quiz question that your students can answer in realtime.

Possibility of sharing

An online whiteboard allows you not only to create a lesson onlinebut also to share it. When lessons are created in this way, they must be short, concise, preciseand with the addition of visual elements. Some research supports thisbecause visual elements are considered to affect the quality of learning to a very significant extent. Therefore, you can facilitate both yourself and your studentsby using a database of diagrams, charts, infographics, etc. In this way, you will be able to better explain to students some more complex concepts in teaching. Of course, best of all is that you have the ability to share these visual elements with your students.

Taking notes visually

We are all visual beings, even when we are learning. Therefore, visual elements are an important component of the online whiteboard. With the help of these elements – you can make good content lessons on visual elements and make a great way to synthesize content. Use all the options that are provided to you – charts, diagrams, notes. In this way, you will make it easier for yourself and your students to introduce different concepts and encourage easier learning and memorization of lessons.


From everything we have mentioned, it is clear that an online whiteboard is a very practical tool when it comes to teaching. Use the max of this tool to make your job easier – and make your lectures more dynamic, interesting, clearer, and easier for your students to remember.