Matt Davies Harmony Communities Shares Ways to Alleviate Pain of Your Four-Legged Friend

According to Matt Davies Harmony Communities, it’s never easy to see your four-legged friend suffer from pain as they grow older. While your dog or cat can’t talk to you while it’s suffering, it equally agonizes. Let’s check out how you can alleviate pain for your four-legged friend.
The Details
- Signs of pain – The first step to relieving pain is to identify it. Even though your pet feels as intense pain as you, they are very good at hiding and not showing it. That’s part of their instinct. By the time your pet shows obvious signs of pain, the condition may have progressed too far. That’s why you need to be vigilant and look out for subtle changes in your pet’s behavior, especially as it gets older. Some of those signs include:
- Panting.
- Limping.
- Shaking or trembling.
- Sagging head.
- Twitching muscles.
- Dilated pupils.
Apart from that, there’s also restlessness, excessive licking, crying or whining, hiding, and avoiding contact. If you see any behavioral change in your pet and aren’t sure if it’s in pain or suffering from an underlying condition, take it to the vet for a checkup.
- Physical therapy – Gentle exercise and physical therapy are some of the best ways of alleviating pain. This especially works if your pet is suffering from hip dysplasia or osteoarthritis. Physical therapy techniques like body massage and acupuncture can help alleviate the pain. Make sure to get an experienced practitioner for the job. You can also make your pet engage in gentle and low-impact exercises like swimming to keep their muscles and joints functioning properly.
- Pain medication – You should always avoid giving any kind of medication to your pet without consulting the vet. For instance, some over-the-counter human-grade pain medications can be fatal for your pet. They are categorized as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) drugs and should always be avoided. Always stick to the pain medication prescribed by the vet.
- Supplements – Supplements like chondroitin, methylsulfonylmethane MSM), and glucosamine are effective at managing and preventing degenerative joint conditions like osteoarthritis and joint injuries for pets. On the other hand, regular supplements of omega-3 fatty acids can further reduce joint pain and reduce inflammation. You can feed such supplements to your pet by adding them to their food or pushing them into chewable treats.
- Hot and cold packs – If your pet is suffering from pain due to an injury, an ice pack can reduce swelling, inflammation, bleeding, and pain. On the other hand, if your pet has muscle aches, osteoarthritis, and joint pain, hot packs can be used to stimulate blood flow in the affected region and reduce stiffness and soreness.
Matt Davies Harmony Communities suggests that you use the above-mentioned methods to provide pain relief for your pet. If it’s a chronic issue or caused due to an injury, you must visit the vet for a proper solution. Otherwise, managing the weight of your pet, feeding them supplements, physical therapy, hot and cold packs, and other such methods work well.