Tips & Tricks To Keep Your Wardrobe Organised!

Imagine waking up to a clean and organized wardrobe, every single day? It not only structures your morning routine (no rushing and rummaging through piles of clothes) but also leaves you with plenty of storage space to expand your current wardrobe. And let’s admit, who doesn’t love some extra storage? Storage space is something that needs a lot of thought given to. Understanding how much space you have in your current environment and how to organize your items accordingly is a task. You don’t have to be an organizing specialist to make your wardrobe items easily accessible and organized. Instead, let us help you with simple tips and tricks to organize and maintain your wardrobe on a regular basis:
First Step: Bring it all out
Wardrobes are beautiful pieces of furniture where you can hide all things of your past, present and future in little crooks and crannies behind hidden doors. That’s why it’s important to bring it all out and lay it right in front of you to take account of all items you currently have. This process is critical as it helps you gauge the number of items in hand, their condition (useable, throwable, recyclable?) and if they can be categorized accordingly. Have two baskets handy labelled ‘toss’ and ‘giveaway’ to make the process easy. During this exercise, you will be able to let go of items that do not serve you any longer and currently take space in your wardrobe. Decluttering can not only free space up to welcome new things but is satisfying as you mentally and physically wave goodbye to things you once loved and are willing to let go of.
Second Step: Categorise
We cannot highlight the importance of this step enough. Separating clothes into pants, dresses, tops, accessories, undergarments, etc. helps in gathering items of similar nature together, thereby, making the final arrangement that much simpler. It also helps you understand what type of storage accessories you may need to further organize items inside the wardrobe. Think along the lines of storage boxes, hangers etc.
Third Step: Design your Ideal Wardrobe
Now that you know what items you actually have in hand and need to be stored neatly, design your ideal wardrobe. You can start by browsing the cupboard online for inspiration and for an understanding of what’s available in the market today. While you may not be able to go all out and buy the best wardrobe in town, you certainly can take note of their best features’ like vertical storage space, multiple hanging rods, built-in shelving, closet storage solutions etc.
All basic steps sorted? Let’s move on to useful tips and tricks that will help you maintain your wardrobe on a regular basis:
Tip #1: Have two hanging rods in the closet
Arrange your closet space to have a minimum of two rods in different heights. You can hang shirts, jackets, pants in the lower level while longer delicate outfits like maxi dresses, blouses, overcoats can go on the top. An extra tip? Chuck the bulky framed hangers and replace them with thin, lightweight hangers that take lesser space. Ensure they are all in the same colour to avoid closet chaos and hung facing the same direction to limit visual clutter.
Tip #2: Stack
Stack items like bulky sweaters or stiff denim to save on hanging space. These items are perfect to stack as they will take lesser space and maintain material health by not crinkling or slumping upon stacking. Make separate piles clearly segregated like half sleeve shirts on the left, full sleeves in the middle, winter wear on the right that go along with these shirts. Makes it easy to choose a match, doesn’t it?
Tip #3: Roll
If this technique doesn’t organize your space, we don’t know what will. Items like leggings, cotton shirts, polyester shorts are thin and flexible to roll and tuck. Rather than folding these items and stacking them, fold them in half and roll them neatly. Tuck these rolled pieces beside each other into a box and you have an array of items to choose from clearly.
Tip #4: Colour Code
Probably the most tedious task of it all but we assure you it’s a one-time thing- colour code organizing your clothes makes your wardrobe a visual treat. In addition, it saves you time from picking and matching combinations for the day. Creating a general colour distinction even can make your wardrobe organized and hit goals for the day!
Tip #5: Eye-level
Keep everything that you use on a regular basis, like your handbags, ties, uniforms etc, in the middle of the wardrobe at eye level. This saves you from rummaging through different categories to pick out your regular wear. Store away least used items below or above your regular wear.
Tip #6: Vertical Storage
Maximise on vertical storage options by hanging over-the-door belt organisers, shoe holders or install a DIY shelf to hold makeup, handbags etc. inside or side of the wardrobe. This is particularly helpful for 2 or 3 door wardrobes that don’t have much space within.
Tip #7: Undergarments
Storing these can be tricky owing to their size and texture. Save your undergarments from piling into a hot mess by making compartments in a box using dividers and tucking rolled undergarments in. This arrangement is a function and a delight to look at. Do the same trick for socks and never waste time looking for pairs again!
Tip #8: Storage Within
If you are someone who isn’t blessed with a 4 door wardrobe with drawers to organize regular wear and lock away precious belongings, invest in a small safe that can be easily tucked into the shelf and used accordingly. Closing the doors will keep the safe out of sight increasing its security element!
Brands like Wakefit have a variety of designs to choose from that do not need you to spend too much time organizing on a daily basis. After all, organizing your wardrobe once ensures you have all the time in the world to focus on things that need your attention and creativity. Invest in wardrobes made of wood with plenty of drawers, doors and space inside that make it a delight to store old and welcome new things!