Top Tips for Setting Up The Perfect Study Space for Your Child

Has your child got exams coming up, important homework to finish, or a project for school to heavily focus on?
As children get older and are asked for a lot more, especially when it comes to SATs, GCSEs and A Levels, they’ll begin to be spending a lot more time at their desks revising and preparing for big assessments.
Having a space where they won’t be disturbed as much will allow them to remember things better, creating continued practice as a routine in preparation for big exams and other school work.
So how is this best set up in your own home? Read this guide to the top tips for setting up the optimal study space from this International Baccalaureate School in England.
Use ergonomic equipment
From keyboards, computer mice, to desk chairs and desks, ergonomic equipment is the way to go. These are equipment tailored to more natural reactions in your body that reduces strains, reduces injuries and overall discomfort.
Your child will be able to work better in an environment that is suited to their comforts and support, as well as reducing complaints regarding ill-fitted equipment.
The best advice for employing an ergonomic workspace is by having your child’s feet flat on the ground, using an anti-glare screen protector and using proper back support on your child’s seat.
Use a lot of space if possible
Having your child use a wide table with plenty of room for more supplies if needed will allow them to space out and have time to look through their notes, make flash cards and other note taking.
This also gives them the chance to be able to look through their notes and see where they may need to improve their work or exam times.
Give them the space to decorate
Having a small study area or a study room often means your child will want to place sticky notes everywhere for quick revision aids. Give them some space to add posters, or that periodic table, up on their wall. Why not add a whiteboard or pinboard so they can add notes and change things as they please?
Giving them these options will make their study space their own and having the creativity and power to work on their studies throughout their day.
Remove all distractions
Unless they feel motivated by it, removing a bunch of distractions will allow them to remain focused on the task at hand. Sometimes they feel more focused with music on or a podcast related to their studies can also help.
Any outside noises that can’t be helped, like the sound of a drill next door or children playing outside, should be combated by placing their study area in the quietest area of the home. That way, if they want to add their own speakers or use headphones for that extra level of focus then they’ll be able to without any other distractions.
Giving your child the time and allocated space to work on their studies will allow them to be more motivated, increasing morale and boosting their chances of doing well when it comes to their future prospects.
While it can be difficult to allocate a specific space in the home for a child’s studies, you can make things as easy as they can be to allow your child to work as hard as they can for their school grades and assignments.